"No Romance Without..."
I like to think that when we date, we don't only put on our "representative, but we become them subconsciously. Deep down, we all acknowledge the responsibilities of a long-term committed relationship; sexuality and personal appeal take a back seat to the bills and the ebbs and flows of life itself. But managing your ego through those ebbs and flows can be quite challenging, in and of itself.
I think, with that said, this mostly applies to men. Yeah, yeah, yeah, women are making more money these days...but men are still men. And within a man's nature, it is meant for him to be a provider, in order for him to establish respect and structure in a household.
Yes, I know, "the economy, the economy, the economy!" Most people didn't even know what that word meant before fall of 2008. However, regardless of what circumstances befall us, one's individual character and fortitude must be judged before his employment status; because THAT is what will make or break him in the midst of a "temporary" circumstance.
Yes, his ego will be in question, but his character and pride, will keep him from getting too accustomed to borrowing money from you, or borrowing your car to go have sex with other women, or going out on every date and being comfortable with you footing the bill, etc.
With his ego in question, will you, as a woman, undermine his authority, challenge his integrity, or be sly and emasculate or embarrass him?
We can't deny the place money holds in our lives. I like to think that you should date money before you date people. Helps make it that much easier.
Prosperity Unlimited LLC
"Showing you the money you never knew you had."