"So Close But So Far": Married, Living Separate... (click here)

So an innocent thought grazed across my mind, but I guess that's never a good thing.  Being as unorthodox and unconventional as it is in nature, it's no surprise as to why I received such vehement opposition.

So in my conquest to reinvent what we know as marriage, I proposed the idea of married couples living separately.  Not for all, but for some, and whom it may be feasible for.

Conventionally, we are taught that when you marry someone, you must move in together.  But how has this worked so far?  The consistency of a monogamous relationship is very capable of becoming quite tedious, and (no, not the B-word), yes...BORING.  It's a couples duty to cultivate spontaneity or "spice" in a relationship.  And alot of that spice comes, simply, from space.

They say, "distance makes the heart grow fonder".  Most couples, when dating, live apart anyway.  It's living together that changes everything.  And you don't have to be married in order to live together in a relationship.  I've advocated for a while that marriage doesn't change anything other than the legal title of a couple.  But even though marriage doesn't change the actual relationship, living together does.

It shouldn't be that sad of a concept to accept the fact that for some couples living together actually makes the relationship worse.  This may have some hints of selfishness, mainly due to the dysfunctional and/or single parent upbringings today; yet it is still a reality, whether we want to accept it or not.

Now, for certain situations, living separately may become cumbersome when cultivating the affairs of a relationship.  However, living separately under a marriage can itemize the debt between the spouses and encourage financial responsibility. (you know me, always puttin a financial twist to it. lol)

Nonetheless, do what works for the two of you, because at the end of the day, you'll only have to answer to yourselves.

Here's what some of our Facebook friends had to say about this issue... (click here)

Don't separate from Prosperity Unlimited LLC, stay tuned...
"Showing you the money you never knew you had."
